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Developing disciples who live and love the word of God

The Adult Education Ministry disciples people at all stages of spiritual maturity to become fully devoted followers of Christ. We strive to transform our people into lifelong students of the Bible, and to develop their ability as teachers and servants to share God’s love.

Get Involved

Teach Class On Sundays Or Wednesdays

Facilitate Book Clubs

Write Curriculum



Join us in bible class.  

MARCH 2, 2025 – MAY 25, 2025

All adult classes meet in-person every Sunday at 9:35 a.m.

We also offer classes for children and teenagers. You can find out more information on our Children’s Ministry page and our Youth & Family page.

Age & Life Stage Classes


University students and college age in the work force


Singles, couples, and newlyweds mostly early-mid 20s


Singles, couples, and newlyweds mostly in their mid 20s – early 30s


Mostly married couples in their late 20s – mid 30s, many with infants and toddlers


30s–early 40s, many with children from infants to elementary


Singles and married adults in their 30s-40s, some with children


30s-40s, many with children from infants to high school


Late 30s-40s, many with children in late elementary and up

Christian Families

40s-50s, many with children in middle school and up

New Beginnings

Mid 40s-50s, many with children in high school and up

Families & Friends

Mid 50s – early 60s, many with children in college and beyond

Cross Walk

Mid 50s-60s, most with children beyond college

Christians in Action

Early 60s-early 70s

Upward Bound

60s-early 70s


Mid 60s-70s

Forever 50 Something

70s – mid 80s

Empty Nesters

Mid 70s and up

Multigenerational Classes


Adults of all ages, married or single


Adults of all ages, married or single

Women in the Word

Women of all ages, married or single

Step by Step

Adults of all ages, married or single


A small group discussion class of basic Bible teachings for internationals


Spring Wednesdays: March 5 – May 28

6:30-7:30 p.m. (unless noted otherwise)

Anxious Generations

Various Teachers | Fellowship Central

Digital technology impacts every generation. Will we allow screens, social media, and smartphones to hinder our faithfulness to Christ? Or will we be proactive about drawing boundaries so we can thrive as disciples? Professors, doctors, ministers, and members of this church will weigh in, addressing topics like education, security, video games, sports betting, counseling, and news media. Don’t try to navigate these difficulties alone! Join us and learn how to flourish in a digital age. 

Harmony Unleashed

Stephen Maxwell | A105-106

Unlock the power of your voice and glorify God with an engaging singing class. Whether you are seasoned or a beginner, this class is designed to help you explore the art of singing, refine your vocal skills, and connect with God. Unlike WOW (Wonder of Worship), this class is about vocal refinement, seeking to enhance vocal experience with technical learning and skills. This class will only meet in March and April.

Earlybird Class (5:10-6:00 pm)

Turning from idols, waiting for His Son

Phil Lewis | A105-106

When Paul wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians, he summarized our faith and life as Christians in a few phrases. (1) We turn away from idols (2) We turn towards the living and true God (3) We wait for His Son Jesus to return from heaven. This class will expand on these components of faith. What God has done for us, our need to turn our backs on false gods, how to serve the one true God, and our hope for Christ’s second coming.

Class for Women

Come As You Are: God of Creation (video series)

Tessa Tefertiller | A121

We will discuss the videos “God of Creation: Genesis1-11” by Jen Wilkin. Discover a worshipful understanding of our holy, Creator-God and learn to love Him with your mind as well as your heart. Trace the themes of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration to discover why Genesis is called the “seed plot of the Bible,” the place the redemptive story begins. No registration needed.

care/support groups


(6:30-7:45 PM; 7 Sessions, Pre-registration REQUIRED)

Team of Teachers & Mentors | A122-123

 Merge is a class designed to help newlyweds, engaged, and dating couples lay a strong foundation when they merge their lives in marriage. We cover traditions, expectations, gender differences, family of origin, and marriage goals. This is an eight-session class led by MRCC staff and mentors for young couples. No session on March 19th. 


(6-7:30 pm January -April, Pre-registration REQUIRED)

Team of Teachers | A102

If you have experienced the death of a loved one, join us as we discuss the journey of grief and acquire tools to handle this challenging time in our lives. You will receive a free workbook. Find the registration instructions at

Contacto ur Care and counseling team for more information and future classes.


Clay Hart | A103-104

This class is designed for one on one or small group conversations centered on discussion of short texts from a simplified English translation of the Bible. Internationals are paired with native English speakers in order to improve language skills, share their stories, and develop friendship while talking about God, culture, and life.

Bucket List Book Club 2025

The Power and the Glory, Meets 2nd Wednesday each Month

Caleb McCoy | A109

All are welcome to read spiritual classics that many would not read on their own. We have read Dante’s Divine Comedy, Pilgrim’s Progress, and Paradise Lost. This year, we will read Graham Greene’s The Power and The Glory. Published in 1940, the story follows a priest when the government of Mexico was trying to suppress the Catholic Church. In 2005, TIME magazine chose it as one of the hundred best English-language novels since 1923.


Feel free to send us a message if you’re interested in getting involved or have any questions about the Adult Education Ministry!

Mitch East
Adult Education & Small Groups

Sarah Boydstun
Adult Education Assistant